Best Lawn Tools for New Homeowners

Best Lawn Tools for New Homeowners

Congratulations on your new home! It’s incredibly exciting to have a space that you can call your own and an opportunity to express yourself in the design of your indoor and outdoor spaces. But for new homeowners, knowing what to do with a yard can be a little more...
Ornamental Shrub and Tree Buying Guide

Ornamental Shrub and Tree Buying Guide

There are few greater pleasures than sitting outside in a garden, soaking in the scents and sights of flourishing and flowering trees and shrubs. But for new homeowners who see the potential in their property, or others who want to revamp their long-beloved lawns, it...
Dead Trees and The Danger of Spring Storms

Dead Trees and The Danger of Spring Storms

If you’ve ever wondered if that tree in your backyard is dead, don’t let a storm this spring give you the answer, along with costly damage, injuries or even death. Dead trees pose a particular risk when the winds whip up, so here are a few things that every homeowner...
The Proper Way to Apply Pre-Emergent on Your Lawn

The Proper Way to Apply Pre-Emergent on Your Lawn

What is the proper way to treat my lawn with pre-emergent? Using herbicides can make a lot of homeowners nervous, because you’ve been putting in a lot of effort trying to encourage life in the lawn and are now just spreading chemicals meant to kill plants. But if you...
When To Start Landscaping After Winter

When To Start Landscaping After Winter

Don’t wait! Start landscaping early this year The process of landscaping is just that, a process. Rome was not built in a day and neither is any gorgeous property that makes people stop and stare. So, sadly, you can’t think about what changes you want for your yard...
Why Are There Slugs in My Home

Why Are There Slugs in My Home

Slugs, and their shelled cousins snails, won’t cause as much damage as other pests (like rats or termites), but the slimy gastropods often drive people to extreme lengths as they try to find a way to rid their homes and gardens of them. So, why are they in your home,...